This vignette gives an overview how to inspect and prepare the data
for a clustering analysis with longmixr
, do the clustering
and analyze the results.
Consensus clustering tries to generate more robust clustering results. Instead of doing the clustering once, the clustering is performed several times on different subsets of the data. In every subset, for all pairs of subjects it is recorded if they cluster together in the same cluster. The average of this information is called the consensus matrix. The final clustering solution is obtained by a hierarchical clustering step using the consensus matrix as its distance matrix.
For an overview about the used consensus clustering methodology, see
Stefano, et al. “Consensus clustering: a resampling-based method for
class discovery and visualization of gene expression microarray data.”
Machine learning 52.1 (2003): 91-118. The code and provided
visualizations of longmixr
is based on the
package, Wilkerson, Matthew
D., and D. Neil Hayes. “ConsensusClusterPlus: a class discovery tool
with confidence assessments and item tracking.” Bioinformatics 26.12
(2010): 1572-1573. In contrast to ConsensusClusterPlus
we use the package flexmix
, Grün, Bettina, and
Friedrich Leisch. “FlexMix version 2: finite mixtures with concomitant
variables and varying and constant parameters.” (2008): 1., instead
of hierarchical clustering which allows us to model longitudinal
For the analysis, we use a simulated data set contained in
. Please note that longmixr
can only
deal with complete data sets.
#> 'data.frame': 400 obs. of 20 variables:
#> $ ID : chr "person_1" "person_1" "person_1" "person_1" ...
#> $ visit : int 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 ...
#> $ group : Factor w/ 2 levels "A","B": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> $ age_visit_1 : num 19 19 19 19 32 32 32 32 20 20 ...
#> $ single_continuous_variable: num 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 0.81 ...
#> $ questionnaire_A_1 : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 4 2 2 ...
#> $ questionnaire_A_2 : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 ...
#> $ questionnaire_A_3 : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 ...
#> $ questionnaire_A_4 : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 ...
#> $ questionnaire_A_5 : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 2 4 4 5 3 4 5 5 1 3 ...
#> $ questionnaire_B_1 : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 2 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 3 ...
#> $ questionnaire_B_2 : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 2 4 1 2 4 5 1 2 ...
#> $ questionnaire_B_3 : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
#> $ questionnaire_B_4 : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 ...
#> $ questionnaire_B_5 : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 ...
#> $ questionnaire_C_1 : num 0.973 0.351 -3.715 -2.059 0.831 ...
#> $ questionnaire_C_2 : num -1.974 0.852 6.147 6.211 -3.231 ...
#> $ questionnaire_C_3 : num 0.873 1.168 1.864 3.84 -0.34 ...
#> $ questionnaire_C_4 : num 3.41 4.24 8.9 13.81 3.93 ...
#> $ questionnaire_C_5 : num 0.264 1.586 0.459 1.747 1.866 ...
The data set contains observations of 100 subjects at four different time points. The data was simulated in two groups which we try to recover in the analysis. For every individual, we have the information of
Because the data set was simulated, it also contains the group variable from the simulation. In your data set you typically don’t have such a variable because you don’t know the groups. For the following analysis, the group variable is not required.
It is recommended to first get an overview about the data distribution:
fake_questionnaire_data %>%
filter(visit == 1) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = age_visit_1)) +
geom_histogram() +
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
The histogram shows no clear pattern in the age distribution.
Questionnaire A:
fake_questionnaire_data %>%
mutate(visit = as.factor(visit)) %>%
select(visit, starts_with("questionnaire_A")) %>%
cols = -visit,
names_to = "item",
values_to = "level"
) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = visit, fill = level)) +
geom_bar() +
theme_bw() +
For each of the five items of the questionnaire, the distribution of the different levels (as counts) is shown for the four time points. The distribution of the levels seems to change across the time points for all items.
Questionnaire B:
fake_questionnaire_data %>%
mutate(visit = as.factor(visit)) %>%
select(visit, starts_with("questionnaire_B")) %>%
cols = -visit,
names_to = "item",
values_to = "level"
) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = visit, fill = level)) +
geom_bar() +
theme_bw() +
For each of the five items of the questionnaire, the distribution of the different levels (as counts) is shown for the four time points. The distribution of the levels seems to change across the time points for some items.
Questionnaire C:
fake_questionnaire_data %>%
mutate(visit = as.factor(visit)) %>%
select(visit, starts_with("questionnaire_C")) %>%
cols = -visit,
names_to = "variable",
values_to = "value"
) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = visit, y = value, fill = visit)) +
geom_boxplot() +
theme_bw() +
For each of the five variables of the questionnaire, the distribution is shown for the four time points as boxplots. The distribution changes for some variables across the time points.
fake_questionnaire_data %>%
# only use the values from the first visit as there is only one unique value
# per subject
filter(visit == 1) %>%
ggplot(aes(y = single_continuous_variable)) +
geom_boxplot() +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank())
The distribution of this variable is shown as a boxplot.
Especially if you have a lot of variables, it can make sense to
reduce the dimensionality for your analysis. For demonstration purposes,
we apply a dimension reduction approach also to the example data. For
this, we use the function FAMD
from the package
. It uses a similar approach as PCA for
categorical data. For better interpretability, we apply the dimension
reduction per questionnaire.
quest_A_dim <- fake_questionnaire_data %>%
select(starts_with("questionnaire_A")) %>%
FAMD(ncp = 5, graph = FALSE)
quest_B_dim <- fake_questionnaire_data %>%
select(starts_with("questionnaire_B")) %>%
FAMD(ncp = 5, graph = FALSE)
quest_C_dim <- fake_questionnaire_data %>%
select(starts_with("questionnaire_C")) %>%
prcomp(scale = TRUE)
You can use the elbow plot method to visually determine the number of components to include into the analysis. The following function plots the variance explained by each component.
In this case, we would only select the first three components as the others explain only a small amount of variance.
From questionnaire B, we only include the first component.
From Questionnaire C, only include the first component.
Generate one data.frame for further use with the values of every individual in the new dimension reduced space:
quest_A_comp <-$ind$coord[, 1:3])
colnames(quest_A_comp) <- paste0("quest_A_", 1:3)
quest_B_comp <-$ind$coord[, 1])
colnames(quest_B_comp) <- paste0("quest_B_", 1)
quest_C_comp <-$x[, 1])
colnames(quest_C_comp) <- paste0("quest_C_", 1)
cluster_data <- bind_cols(
ID = fake_questionnaire_data$ID,
visit = fake_questionnaire_data$visit,
age = fake_questionnaire_data$age_visit_1
We can check how well the variables are correlated with the
components and which variables contribute the most to the components
found in the dimension reduction step. For the visualization, we use
functions from the factoextra
Questionnaire A:
Questionnaire B:
Questionnaire C:
There can be confounders that have a known effect on your outcome which you don’t want to analyze. One solution is to first “regress them out” in a linear model and only work with the resulting residuals. The following steps are done with the components from the dimension reduction.
One example of the age effect in questionnaire A:
ggplot(cluster_data, aes(x = age, y = quest_A_1)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
ylab("Questionnaire A dimension 1") +
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
As a simple approach we use linear mixed models to regress out the age effect in all components used for the clustering:
# helper function to regress out the effect
generate_residuals <- function(x, age, ID) {
data <- data.frame(
x = x,
age = age,
ID = ID)
model <- lmer(x ~ age + (1 | ID), data = data)
resid <- residuals(model, type = "response")
names(resid) <- NULL
cluster_data_resid <- cluster_data %>%
# apply the function to all variables ending with a number
~generate_residuals(x = .x, age = age, ID = ID),
.names = "{.col}_resid")) %>%
select(ID, visit, ends_with("resid"), age)
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
After the regression, the linear effect of age is not contained anymore in the residuals.
ggplot(cluster_data_resid, aes(x = age, y = quest_A_1_resid)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
ylab("Residuals of questionnaire A dimension 1") +
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
First we need to set up the models that are estimated and used to assign each observation a cluster. For every variable, one model is estimated.
First define the names of the variables. In our case, these are the components derived from the questionnaires and adjusted for the age effect:
response_names <- c(paste0("quest_A_", 1:3, "_resid"),
paste0("quest_B_", 1, "_resid"),
paste0("quest_C_", 1, "_resid"))
Now, for every variable a FLXMRmgcv
model is set up
because this accommodates the longitudinal structure of our data.
However, the flexmix
framework is very flexible and the
model can be changed to any other FLXMR
list_models <- lapply(response_names, function(x) {
flexmix::FLXMRmgcv(as.formula(paste0(x, " ~ .")))
The ~ .
part means that actual model (how the outcome is
modeled from the independent variables) is not yet defined. This will be
defined as an argument to the
We use the function with the following parameters:
data = cluster_data_resid
the data as a
with observations in the rows and the variables
in the columns.id_column = ID
defines which variable in the provided
data is the ID column to correctly name the output.max_k = 3
the maximum number of clusters that is tried
out; in this case solutions with 2 and 3 clusters will be tried out. You
should set this argument as high as you expect that an optimal solution
could be. Using a higher max_k
increases the computational
cost.reps = 5
the number how often the data is subsetted and
the clustering is repeated (in other words: the number of subsets).
Here, we use a small number to keep the run time short for the example,
in general the higher the number the more accurate the results.p_item = 0.8
the fraction of observations that is
included in a subset (for a definition of subset see the above
description).model_list = list_models
the predefined
models used for the clustering.flexmix_formula = as.formula("~s(visit, k = 4) | ID")
formula how the response should be modeled; here the outcome is modeled
as a smooth function of the time while taking the repeated measurements
of one subject into account.final_linkage = "ward.D2"
the linkage that is used for
the final hierarchical clustering step on the consensus matrix.set.seed(2378)
cluster_model <- longitudinal_consensus_cluster(data = cluster_data_resid,
id_column = "ID",
max_k = 3,
reps = 5,
p_item = 0.8,
model_list = list_models,
flexmix_formula = as.formula("~s(visit, k = 4) | ID"),
final_linkage = "ward.D2")
#> 2 : *
#> 3 : *
#> 2 : *
#> 3 : *
#> 2 : *
#> 3 : *
#> 2 : *
#> 3 : *
#> 2 : *
#> 3 : *
First, plot the analysis plots provided by longmixr
They are the same provided by the ConsensusClusterPlus
package which is the basis for longmixr
Especially useful are the consensus matrix plots and the item-consensus plot. The consensus matrix plot shows for every pair of subjects/IDs how often they are clustered together in one cluster. Every row and every column represents one subject. A value of 1 (dark blue) means that these two subjects always cluster together, a value of 0 (white) means that these two subjects never cluster together. The first plot shows only the legend for the consensus matrix plots without any other information.
For an optimal solution, you want to see clearly separated clusters that are all dark blue. In this example, this is the case for a two cluster solution and less so for a three cluster solution.
The consensus matrix plots also mention the “median flexmix
clusters”. This is because in some cases, the flexmix model does not
find as many clusters as specified but less. To get a short overview
about this, we include the median number of clusters. For a more
detailed analysis, the information about the found number of clusters is
contained in the return value for every cluster solution as
In the consensus cumulative distribution function (CDF) plot, the optimal cases shows a straight horizontal line with a sharp increase at 0 and 1. In the example, this is more fulfilled for the two cluster solution than the three cluster solution. However, the sharp increase at 0 is not visible in our example.
The Delta area plot is generated to be consistent with
, but we don’t recommend to use it.
The tracking plot shows for every subject to which cluster it was assigned to across the different possible cluster solutions with different numbers of clusters.
The item-consensus plot shows every item (subject) on the x-axis. For every subject, the mean consensus value with all other subjects assigned to one cluster is calculated.
In the item-consensus plot for two clusters, the mean item consensus for all subjects assigned to cluster 1 are only calculated for cluster 1, because no subject is assigned to cluster 2. Accordingly, the mean item consensus for all subjects assigned to cluster 2 are only calculated for cluster 2, because no subject is assigned to cluster 1.
In the item-consensus plot for three clusters, some subjects are assigned to different clusters in different subsampling steps. Therefore, for these items the mean item-consensus is shown for cluster 2 and cluster 3. In general, for a given subject you want to have a high item-consensus for one cluster and low item-consensus for all other clusters.
If you only want to plot certain plots and not all, you can select
them with the which_plots
argument. For more information,
see help(plot.lcc)
In the example, the item-consensus plots suggest a two cluster solution fits the data best.
First extract the cluster information (only for the two cluster solution) from the model:
The extracted assignments data.frame
also includes the
ID column with the name specified by the user in the
function, so we can easily
join it with the original data:
original_data <- fake_questionnaire_data %>%
left_join(cluster_assignments, by = "ID")
cluster_data_resid <- cluster_data_resid %>%
left_join(cluster_assignments, by = "ID")
Now the components used for the clustering can be visualized as
spaghetti plots. For this, we can use the plot_spaghetti
function where we specify which variables should be plotted. The ID
variable is automatically derived from the longmixr
but we need to provide the variable that depicts the time.
Questionnaire A:
model = cluster_model,
data = cluster_data_resid,
variable_names = c("quest_A_1_resid", "quest_A_2_resid", "quest_A_3_resid"),
time_variable = "visit",
number_of_clusters = 2
#> Warning in plot_spaghetti(model = cluster_model, data = cluster_data_resid, :
#> The provided data contains already columns with the pattern
#> 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the cluster
#> information from the longmixr model.
Questionnaire B:
model = cluster_model,
data = cluster_data_resid,
variable_names = c("quest_B_1_resid"),
time_variable = "visit",
number_of_clusters = 2
#> Warning in plot_spaghetti(model = cluster_model, data = cluster_data_resid, :
#> The provided data contains already columns with the pattern
#> 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the cluster
#> information from the longmixr model.
Questionnaire C:
model = cluster_model,
data = cluster_data_resid,
variable_names = c("quest_C_1_resid"),
time_variable = "visit",
number_of_clusters = 2
#> Warning in plot_spaghetti(model = cluster_model, data = cluster_data_resid, :
#> The provided data contains already columns with the pattern
#> 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the cluster
#> information from the longmixr model.
Most of the original variables are categorical variables. For a
better visualization of the change over time, we use alluvial plots and
plot every item (variable) separately with
Questionnaire A:
colnames(original_data)[grepl("^questionnaire_A", colnames(original_data))] %>%
walk(~print(plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
variable_name = .x, time_variable = "visit",
number_of_clusters = 2)))
#> Warning in plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_name = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_name = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_name = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_name = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_name = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
Questionnaire B:
colnames(original_data)[grepl("^questionnaire_B", colnames(original_data))] %>%
walk(~print(plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
variable_name = .x, time_variable = "visit",
number_of_clusters = 2)))
#> Warning in plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_name = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_name = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_name = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_name = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_alluvial(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_name = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
Questionnaire C:
As questionnaire C contains continuous variables, use again a spaghetti plot:
colnames(original_data)[grepl("^questionnaire_C", colnames(original_data))] %>%
walk(~print(plot_spaghetti(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
variable_names = .x, time_variable = "visit",
number_of_clusters = 2)))
#> Warning in plot_spaghetti(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_names = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_spaghetti(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_names = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_spaghetti(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_names = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_spaghetti(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_names = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
#> Warning in plot_spaghetti(model = cluster_model, data = original_data,
#> variable_names = .x, : The provided data contains already columns with the
#> pattern 'assignment_num_clus_'. These columns were removed and replaced by the
#> cluster information from the longmixr model.
The comparison of the two clusters regarding the original variables show differences how some items of the categorical questionnaires and some variables of the continuous questionnaires differ between the two clusters.
As a final step, variables that were not used in the clustering, for
example cross-sectional variables, can be compared across the found
clusters. In this case, single_continuous_variable
only has
one value per subject and was left out from the clustering:
original_data %>%
filter(visit == 1) %>%
mutate(cluster = as.factor(assignment_num_clus_2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = cluster, y = single_continuous_variable,
fill = cluster)) +
geom_boxplot() +
Also the left-out variable shows a different behavior between the two clusters.